Valentines in the Village

Now is the perfect time to explore the village! Our team has compiled a little guide that should help you find exactly what you’re looking for in and around Crescent Heights Village—from that perfect bouquet to where to go for a romantic dinner, or even to find unique bespoke gifts, we’ve got you covered.

Shop Local for Mother’s Day

Find all the great gifts for mom available in Crescent Heights Village this year. From flowers to flans, there’s something for every mom.

How to Support Crescent Heights Businesses

How to support Crescent Heights Businesses during COVID-19 Restrictions As Alberta heads into another stretch of increased restrictions, the business owners of Crescent Heights Village need your support more than ever. The good news is, there’s lots of great products and services that you need every day right here in the neighbourhood!  Here are some […]

Crescent Moon Festival

Celebration of art, light and diversity hits Crescent Heights Village as the You Belong Art Benches debut along Centre Street.